The Artist Cafe with special guest artist Stephanie Lester

The Artist Cafe is where we come to chat about art and life.

Special guest Fibre artist Stephanie Lester.

See more of Stephanie Lester’s fibre art at

The Bloomz International On-line Art Show

More about Ann-Marie Cheung

About the Certified Creatively Fit Coaching training with Whitney Freya

24 Hour Paint Jam June 19th to 20th, Solstice 2021

Paint Jam


Let’s BE Unstoppable Together

June 19th to 20th, Solstice 2021

YOU are invited to join the inner creative circle for 24 hours of painting workshops led by Whitney Freya and Creatively Fit Coaches.

One Zoom link.

24 hours of straight painting workshops.

Join anytime.

Enjoy lifetime access to all the replays.

Push your own creative boundaries TOGETHER!

All for just $33!

Paint Jam

The Artist Cafe with special guest artist Mad Mysha

The Artist Cafe

The Artist Cafe is where we come to chat about art and life.

Today’s special guest is artist Mysha.

If you want to find out more about Mysha, check out  or @madmysha on Instagram

More about Ann-Marie Cheung

About the Certified Creatively Fit Coaching training with Whitney Freya


Music credit

Short Guitar Clip by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.

The Artist Cafe with special guest artist Sharon Hendry

The Artist Cafe

The Artist Cafe is where we come to chat about art and life. Special guest artist Sharon Hendry
More about Sharon

More about Ann-Marie Cheung

About the Certified Creatively Fit Coaching training with Whitney Freya

Music credit
Short Guitar Clip by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence. Artist:

22 Day Tara Painting Meditation Challenge with Whitney Freya

22 Day Tara Painting Meditation Challenge with Whitney Freya

If you want to create a Spiritual Painting Practice try this course by instructor, Whitney Freya – 22 Day Tara Painting Meditation Challenge.
Tara, or Green Tara, is the feminine Buddha.
She is the Goddess of Compassion and Liberation.



-You will paint an “altar” to TARA.
-You will paint an acrylic, multi-layered, mixed media, energetic painting of TARA.
-You will learn painting techniques that are both practical and spiritual.
-You will learn about TARA and all 21 aspects of TARA.
-You will learn more about yourself, what is available to you and all that is possible when we open up to the support and protection of the divine feminine.
-You will become stronger, more courageous, and more self-expressive.
-Your authentic self will take even more of your “center stage” as you understand new facets of your own personal super powers.
-You will learn about mudras and mantras and the sacred symbolism surrounding TARA.
-You will paint to guided meditations, exploring a whole new way to cultivate inner peace and self-confidence.
-You will illuminate your own inner buddha nature, the core teaching of Buddhism–that we can each achieve buddha-hood.


The Bloomz ArtHouse Show January 2021

The Bloomz

“It’s an art show, Jim, but not as you know it!”

Just when you thought that visiting art galleries was lost forever in these uncertain times, enter The Bloomz—a fabulous art collective that has re-written the definition of an online art show!

The inaugural show took place last September and was a huge success. It is now set to be a permanent fixture in the global, art calendar with three shows per year. The first show of 2021 takes place on:

Friday 29th January (7pm) and Saturday 30th January (10am and 7pm)
All times are GMT .

Here is a short video with all 11 artists telling you in their own words about their art – all in 30 seconds each – you will definitely want to see more so now is a good time to register for tickets.

Tickets to The Bloomz Arthouse Show are free, but visitors must register for the event to receive joining instructions and pre-show material to make their visit even more enjoyable. Tickets are available through the link on The Bloomz website: