Art Business Resources

artist brushes

Artists Who Thrive

Learn to sell your art without feeling like a sell-out.

1. We don’t just make art; we make a living.
2. We don’t dream of success; we plan for success.
3. We don’t discount our art; we get paid 100%, upfront.
4. We don’t make goods or offer services; our “product” is emotion.
5. We don’t use sleazy sales tactics; we inspire.
6. We don’t compete with other artists; we are part of a supportive savvy community.
7. We don’t enter art contests or work for free; we know our niche.
8. We don’t build art careers; we build businesses.

Mission is to serve as a consumer resource for people who buy, sell, collect and evaluate art, and who are interested in learning about how the art world works. For you artists, the goals are to help you understand how the art business operates, and how to present your art more effectively to the public for purposes of getting shows, making sales, getting gallery representation and more.

Art Biz Success – Alyson Stanfield

Sign up on her website to gain confidence as an artist.

You can do this. But you don’t have to do it alone.

At Art Biz Success, we’ve been supporting our students and clients throughout the pandemic–taking immediate action to adjust our plans to what artists need most right now. This includes nurturing our community where artists seek guidance, share resources, and thrive.

Artists in Business with Alexis Fedor

Build a profitable business with your art, your way.

I help artists of all disciplines whether you are just starting your business or are a seasoned business owner:

  • Grow your profits, no matter what you make right now.
  • Help you build a business model that mirrors your vision as an artist while thriving financially.
  • Help you increase your Financial IQ so you can scale your business, expand your vision and create TRUE WEALTH.

Maria Brophy – Art Business Consultant

Get Maria’s FREE “Strategies for a Successful Art Business”
It’s not your fault if you’re struggling with earning the living you want, with your art. You just haven’t learned HOW to yet. The only difference between a ‘starving’ artist and the artist who is earning six figures is this: The six figure artist has learned a few strategies needed to run a successful art business.